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Register for the tournaments on Myleague

MyLeague.VN is a professional tournament management software that helps tournament organizers manage their tournaments efficiently, minimize errors when taking data and statistics; help the teams manage the performance of team and players, etc. Myleague.VN is the preeminent and leading tournament management system in Vietnam.

The system administrator will instruct you as the following steps:

Step 1:   Access this page  https://myleague.vn/home

Image 1 - Click on the image above to see details

Step 2:   Sign up, Sign in

You can use your email address or Facebook account to sign up (Image 2)

Image 2 - Click on the image above to see details

Step 3:   Access this page  https://myleague.vn/league

At the filter, select the league status is Registering (Image 3)

Image 3 - Click on the image above to see details

Step 4:   Go to Registration page

If do not see register button, the registration for the league has expired. (Image 4)

Image 4 - Click on the image above to see details

Step 5:   Select a team on Myleague or create a new team (Image 5)

Image 5 - Click on the image above to see details

+) To creat a new team, click Creat A New Team (Image 6)

Image 6 - Click on the image above to see details

Step 6:   Select players for the team

The number of players must exceed the number regulated by organizers. (Image 7)

Image 7 - Click on the image above to see details

Step 7:   Wait for the authorization from organizers

Please follow Registration Status of your team for timely updating as the request of organizers. (Image 8)

Image 8 - Click on the image above to see details

Best regards,
MyLeague.VN system administration board